Mr. Chevy Celebrity

I'm a pretty cool cat, or like to think so. I can be found frequently adding to my movie collection, which is a library for all my friends. I love playing soccer, because it is the best sport ever. Young Life is probably my only passion in the world, at the moment. Mark Ashbaugh, Dave Harris, Steve Rawls...3 of the greatest dudes on Earth. I also enjoy Taco Bell, El Rodeo, or any mexican resturant.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Heads you live....Tails you die...

This week had some definite high points. First off, this week had 2 snow days...well...1 snow day, and another "snow" day. Secondly, this week started soccer tryouts, which have been fun so far. Thirdly, I purchased 3 great movies.
The Snow days of this week tended to be a whole lot of fun. Monday, Eric came over and we played some Resident Evil 4, or rather, I did, while he gave me tips and played Far Cry. We hung out and then went to BCF to listen to this British guy talk about how Jesus stayed with God, through 3 steps.
Wendsday was a great day. Around 12 Eric came down, and we started playing some RE4 and stuff. Then, about 1 I get a IM from a Ms. Kim O'Ferrell wondering if I wanted to play soccer. Needless to say, me and Eric got ready and went to the High School. Kim, Annette, Josh Wiegand, Eric, and I spent about an hour and a half on the football field just kicking the ball around, talking, and having a good time. We then convoyed to my house and fixed a pizza. Bobby and Laekan came down to hang out, and that is when I decided to show them all Sweetness and Queen of Hearts. They enjoyed both movies, and It made me happy. We then put in Garden State. Once again, they enjoyed it. After a little "pimp walk" practice and almost dying, they left and I just hung around and played some RE4.
Soccer Tryouts have been pretty awesome as of late. A lot of people are coming out, and that rocks. These include TJ Atkins, Andrew Fenstermaker, Josh Weigand, and Tanner Cruise. The 2 days of legal practice and one day of illegal practice have been fun thus far.
Lastly, I received my copies of The Nightmare before Christmas and Good Burger. They are both great movies, needed to be added to my collection. I just purchased a personal favorite of last year, Domino. Kiera knightly is amazing in the movie, as well as Christopher Walker, Mickey Rourke, and Lucy Liu.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Lonely Day

I could tell from the minute I woke up
It was going to be a lonely lonely
Lonely lonely day.
Rise and shine rub the sleep out of my eyes
And try to tell myself I can’t
Go back to bed
It’s gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day.
Even though the sun is shining down on me and I should feel about as happy as can be
I just got here and I already want to leave
It’s gonna be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day

Everybody knows that something’s wrong
But nobody knows what’s going on
We all sing the same old song
When you want it all to go away
It’s shaping up to be a lonely day

I could tell from the minute I woke up it was going to be a lonely lonely lonely lonely day.

Thank You Adam Frazier, and Steve Rawls and "The Queen of Hearts" for introducing me to this song. "Lonely Day" by Phantom Planet, is pretty much how I feel on a day to day basis anymore. I have no driving force in this world anymore. There really isn't anything that pushes me anymore. I spend my life going through the motions, just getting by.

I looked back into my Junior scrapbook my mom made, and found pictures of me and Kelly before Prom. I look back at those times, and realize that they were the happiest I have ever been. I didn't have a care in the world, aside for me and her. Things clicked during those 2-1/2, 3 months. Nothing ever seemed to go wrong.

Today hasn't been terrible, played some Windwaker and have been doing a little beach week planning. I watched Jerry Maguire for the first time in a long time, which excited me. I talked to Jesse for a good hour and a half, and that was good. I have been throughly excited about my Amazon order of Good Burger and The Nightmare Before Christmas.

Dopeman, Dopeman's got another big plan
to sell it to you or anyone he can
because this is much better than minimum wage
no matter how things work he's still gonna get paid
think about it for a minute more -
it's either work at McDonalds or the corner store
a quick money fix from a deal or 2
when a decision comes down
what would you do?
you take - take a welfare state
or a dopeman's fate
and keep the cycle spinnin' round

Dopeman, Dopeman's got the upperhand
people wanna get as much as they can
because those reasons they'll always stay the same
and for some people it's the only way to stay sane
and think about it for a minute more -
a life of crime or hangin' round the liquor store
a quick drug fix to get you through
when the decision comes down
what would you do?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Tonight was a Good Night

It's been a long day living with this
It's been a long time since I felt so sick
I took a long walk straight back home
I could've walked back to San Francisco
I used to long for time alone
I used to long for a place of my own
and I'm losing faith in everything
I'm lost, so lost, I'm lost at sea, you'll see

I used to long for broken bones
I used to long for a casket to call my own
I never had a problem facing fear
but I'm done, over and dumb my dear

Tonight was one of the better nights of my life. After school, I met Meg at the mall to see "The Pink Panther". The movie was thoroughly enjoyable. Steve Martin does his thing, and with the help from Beyonce and a Clive Owen cameo as "Secret Agent 006"(a little Bond humor), the movie gets a stamp of approval from me. However, don't go into the movie with high expectations for it to be, Anchorman, or Wedding Crashers funny. It's somewhat innocent humor, and is almost appropriate for all ages.

After the movie, me and Meg toured the mall a bit, just talking and browsing. Ran into my brother and Chase, which was funny. We talked about random stuff, and went into random stores, such as Victoria's Secret and Bath and Body Works. I reserved my copy of Kingdom Hearts II, which is due out soon. We ventured into Hot Topic, where I purchased a once 30 dollar Star Wars bookbag for an amazing 7 dollars, definitely a bargain.

After the venture at the mall, we ate at Taco Bell, and then wandered over to Barnes and Noble for some random fun. We played around in the kids section, reminiscing on books we read as kids. We found some, such as Where the Wild Things Are and It's Raining Spagetti and Meatballs. We played around with the Thomas the Tank Engine toys they had, and I loved it. I, after all, grew up on Thomas. I, then proceeded to buy the Curious George Soundtrack, with all the music being done by Jack Johnson. So far, the CD has not disappointed me.

In Conclusion, it was a great night in my life

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Motown Never Sounded So Good

I couldn't help but think back to the advice
that I got from my dad a few times
he said"...time goes by so fast in a blink of an eye
so never close your eyes..."
"...I always wanted something more than 50 hours every week
and a paid vacation on the jersey shoreline"
And he said
So when ambition turns into competition
I'll never be the better man

This weekend has been pretty fun. On Friday, Jesse, Meghan, Mark, Davide, Erica, Brittany, and I headed over to Blacksburg to eat at El Rodeo and hang out. I got the usual #28-Enchilada, Qeusadilla and Rice. Afterwards, Jesse got a tatoo apraised and then we headed to the Mall for a bit, since Meghan had a gay 9 o'clock curfew, we couldn't stay long. I bought my Steelers Super Bowl Champs shirt, and just hung out. Ran into Nick Stewart, which was random, but pretty cool. Saw Michael Thompson, and like 5 other people I can't even remember at the moment.

After dropping Meghan off, Jesse and Brittany came over and we watched Garden State. It is probably my favorite movie at the present time. Zach Braff does an amazing job acting and directing the movie. It really shows the premise of being a teenager, of not "coming-of-age". I love the entire drama between Large and his father (which is played beautifully by Ian Holm(Hamlet, Lord of the Rings)), as I feel that I am blamed by my parents for things that are out of my control. The entire Medieval Times, Lucky Charms, Star Trek sequence at the breakfast table is one of the funniest scenes in movies, in my opinion.

Saturday, I sat around at home, after being thwarted from my movie plans with Meg. I started back up Vevuh, my Final Fantasy XI character. Here she is:

I also watched the second disc of the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring with my parents, and got them addicted to LOTR, which is pretty funny, in my opinion. I went to work at 4:45, did my chores, and left around 8:10, and then sit in the parking lot and talked to my grandpa for about 20 minutes. It was alot of fun, I really never get to talk to him anymore, being so busy and crap anymore. I then proceeded to drive to Pembroke just to return Brittany's scarf to her, which she left at my house Friday night. I came home, and played some Super Mario 64 DS, and then hit the hay.

Today, I woke up, and just stumbled around the house, finished downloading "Tales from the Public Domain", a Simpsons episode that has Hamlet reenacted in it, for English class. I then went and got recertified for Refeeing this year, which is always fun >.>. It reinforced my hate for snobby bastards and know-it-alls. After that, I came home and proceeded to watch the first disc of The Two Towers with the parents, then watched the Pro Bowl.

I plan on doing some pretty crazy things tomorrow, no clue exactly what yet, but it should be crazy.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Bigger Picture

Coach Schmidt is probably the best mentor I will ever have. Over the past 4 years, he has taught me more life lessons then any other person I've ever met. He has always given out his number to all of his players, and told them to call him if they ever need help out of something, and that he will never tell a soul what trouble they were in.
He's intimidating at all times. He's has an almost godly presence on the sidelines, shouting commands to the 11 players on the field. He's a sore loser, something that is admirable, as no one likes to lose.
He's always told us that all his players are like his children. He's always humble in victory, never over-enthusastic. He's tough when he needs to be. He's a coach, a mentor, but most of all, a friend

Thank you, Coach Schmidt, for the memories