Mr. Chevy Celebrity

I'm a pretty cool cat, or like to think so. I can be found frequently adding to my movie collection, which is a library for all my friends. I love playing soccer, because it is the best sport ever. Young Life is probably my only passion in the world, at the moment. Mark Ashbaugh, Dave Harris, Steve Rawls...3 of the greatest dudes on Earth. I also enjoy Taco Bell, El Rodeo, or any mexican resturant.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Good Night, and Good Luck.

I just finished watching Good Night, and Good Luck. , the movie about Ed Murrow and his epic duel with Joesph McCarthy during the Red Scare. Directed and Co-Written by George Clooney, the black and white wonder is a sight to behold. The movie was put together wonderfully, using large amounts of original footage from the Senate Investigations of so called "Communists".
David Strathairn portrays Ed Murrow, radio hero for his broadcasts from London during World War II, and the co-producer of the CBS show See It Now. Strathairn's performance was amazing, and was diffenetly worthy of a Best Actor Oscar Nomination. Not only did Clooney co-write and direct the film, but he also enacted Fred Friendly, the other co-producer of See It Now. Also, making an apperence since his last hit, Dumb and Dumber, Jeff Daniels plays Sig Mickelson, the CBS News President who eventually coined the now imfamous phrase, Anchorman.
The movie was, as previously stated, put together amazingly, using a speech from Murrow after the events had happened to begin and end the movie. I throughly enjoyed the movie, as I should, considering how much I love my history.


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