Mr. Chevy Celebrity

I'm a pretty cool cat, or like to think so. I can be found frequently adding to my movie collection, which is a library for all my friends. I love playing soccer, because it is the best sport ever. Young Life is probably my only passion in the world, at the moment. Mark Ashbaugh, Dave Harris, Steve Rawls...3 of the greatest dudes on Earth. I also enjoy Taco Bell, El Rodeo, or any mexican resturant.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

LTJ Top 10?

It's been a while, I know. We'll just start anew here

So...I've decided, in honor of "A Circus of Outcasts and Idiots" tour, to compile a list of my top 10 favorite Less than Jake songs.

10. Showbiz? Science? Who Cares?
This is off of what many consider Less than Jake's worst album, B is for B-sides, but it's just a song that really stuck out from the album to me, and I think that it should be given a closer look by LTJ fans.

9. The Science of Selling Yourself Short
Probably Less than Jake's biggest single, maybe tying with Look What Happened. Prominitly a horn song, which is a huge reason why I love it. Also, Roger sings it, and I love that, because even the "back-up" vocalist can hold his own in this band...It's awesome.

8. Landmines and Landslides
Hot off of LTJ's newest album, Landmines instantly hit me as my favorite song on the album. The lyrics are amazing. My only gripe about this song, is that I wish they could have done something with horns in it.

7. Malt Liquor Tastes Better When You Have Problems
Off of the older album "Borders and Boundries", Malt Liquor hit me when I had a little strife in my life, and I've been blaring it out of the speakers in my car since I found it.

6. 9th at Pine
It's no secret that I played trombone in the marching band in high school. So this song, which is almost just a feature for the glorious instrument, would break my top 10. Also, it's got great lyrics.

5. Look What Happened
Less than Jake's other huge hit, Look What Happened actually made waves when it was re-released on the Anthem album. This version, however, sucks. They cut out the biggest portion of the horn part, and it just doesn't sound the same.

4. All of My Friends are Metalheads
One of the many good songs on Less than Jake's best album, Hello Rockview, Metalheads became an anthem of mine when I first heard it. The words just hit where words should hit, and it's just crazy good. Another one of the better horn songs, Metalheads can be found as many peoples favorite Less than Jake song.

3. How's My Driving, Doug Hastings
Off of one of the oldest Less than Jake albums, Losing Streak, How's My Driving is a short, great song. I've considered this the second best song off of the album, and is one of those "Listen to anytime" songs.

2. Dopeman
The best song off of Losing Streak, this song came into play when I began looking around at my friends at the time, and realized how crazy it is that people like this exist. Just a great song, with true meanings.

1. Last Rites to Sleepless Nights
My favorite Less than Jake song comes off of B is for B-sides. I know what you are saying, "The worst album has your favorite song?". It's true. This song was found when I just had a breakup, and it was my anthem for about 4 months. It's just a great "get over" song. are a few songs that almost made the list. This might have been the hardest thing I've ever done, to narrow down Less than Jake songs to 10 "elite" songs, when they are all amazing.

Plastic Cup Politics
Help Save the Youth of America from Exploding
Gainsville Rock City
Never Going Back to New Jersey
Motown Never Sounded So Good

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Who can turn the tide?

Lately...I've been on this HUGE G.I. Joe frenzy. If you check out my Myspace, you will see the intro into one of the best animated movies ever, G.I. Joe: The Movie. It is so crazy, with jet packs, ninjas, flamethowers, hovercars...I mean...there is everything. Me and a certain "The Fraze" compiled a crazy non-sense list of actors that would be needed for a live-action G.I. Joe movie.
Senior Club was tonight, and it was the greatest thing ever. Mario and Luigi rocked the mixer, and Jim-Bob John-Boy and Eric rocked the baked beans & apples. Light and Fluffy was good, I guess...never was a big fan. Jesse gave an amazing testimony, and it was crazy good. Great songs, which I lead and did the rap for Hey Ya.
And that leaves this weekend, Prom. I'm really excited about it. I am yet to see my black and pink tux, but am waiting for it to come in to try it on. I'm in the making of the Prom '06 CD for the trip to the burg. If anyone knows, last years version was probably one of the best mixed CDs in human history. I can't give away my secrets...but they do involve peanut butter and a comic book.

Current Favorite Song: "The Ol' Beggar's Bush" Flogging Molly - One of my favorite songs ever, find it
Current Favorite Saying: "WOOO!!!! NASCAR" Andrew Frazier - What has become the Giles Varsity Boys Soccer team's battle cry.
Current Favorite Technological Advancement: Nintendo DS wireless connection - if it wasn't for this, the bus ride to Cinncy woulda sucked. 8 person Mario Kart is flippin sweet!

Do you guys want some Grapes?................Bitches

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Cry to Movie Execs

So...I thought I'd post a few of my wanted movies, that most likely will never be done, but a man can dream.

-G.I. Joe: the Movie. It's a simple thought...the generation that grew up on the Real American Hero Animated TV show and movie is now in their 20's. I dare to say, It's time for it. They could get an amazing all-star cast(Brad Pitt, Samuel L. Jackson, Arnold) and with CGI, the Intro from the animated movie could turn into the greatest CGI shot in movie history. Problems, Cobra Commander's voice is dead, Sgt. Slaughter is out of shape and old, and so many characters to fill. Also...plot problems with resemblance to many movies, such as Star Wars. But still, the Joe cartoon still has an amazing fan base from the kids who grew up on it.

-The Lone Ranger. I grew up on the show and the radio show, as my grandfather listened to it when he was a child. The movie could easily be done with a cheap budget, and also could hit big, as it is an invoking storyline. A Texas Ranger is the only one to survive a bandit attack in a canyon, and dones a mask and calls himself "The Lone Ranger" to stand for the downtrouted. Jauquin Pheonix could be an amazing Lone Ranger, and Antonio Banderas could play Tonto. Problems, a good western hasn't been made in a LONG time, and the movie would have to be amazing to get any footing on a national scale.

-Lastly, a remake of the 1982 Disney movie Tron. This is almost a no-brainer in my opnion. 20 years ago, this movie was a phenomanon, and now, a remake, by tweeking the storyline a little bit to fit a more modern feel, and the ILM effects that we can produce, could spark Disney a great, non-animation film, like Pirates of the Caribbean. The premise of the MCP and the Game Grid are still ideas that would amaze and wow kids, and adults who were fans of the film at the time of the orginial release.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

My Heart's a Battleground

I just finished a 25~ hour quick run-through of Kingdom Hearts II, and it has proven to be even better than the first, if that is possible.

Those who know me, know of my deep obsession of the Kingdom Hearts idea. The idea that the heart is to unpredictable for anyone to "study", or to learn the way a human acts. People in this world are so unique, and spuratic that no one can honestly predict anything.
The additional story line that Kingdom Hearts II brings to the KH universe is pretty rock solid, aside for being slightly confusing at the beginning, which was intended, I believe. Organization XIII proved to be a good investment in "Chains of Memories", and the role of Axel and Namine in it play big in KH2.
Battle System adds more to it with a new drive feature, a feature that Transforms Sora into a powerful diety for a short time, pending which friends are in battle at the time. Also, a Limit feature has been added. Limits are drive features of sorts for other characters. Donald, Goofy, and all the other characters you meet along the way have Limits. A reaction command, similiar to the one in God of War, has also been added, making the player concentrate even more to time things just right to save time.
The choice of worlds had it's peaks, but overall, I was slightly disappointed. The new worlds, such as Port Royal, Space Paranoids(Tron), Timeless River, Beast's Castle, Mulan's China, and the Pride Lands had everything going for them. However, some of the older worlds, mainly Agrabah and Atlantica should have been replaced. Halloween Town and Olympus Colosieum were great in this one as well, but, a KH3 apperence could be bad for them. Hollow Bastion was on the top of it's game in this one, having a nicer plot line then it had in even the first.
I enjoyed the score for the game, but it lacked the original music for my favorite World, that of the Lion King movie. The Pirates of the Caribbean music was amazingly cut to perfection and played perfectly for the battles. The theme song "Sanctuary", is amazingly good, or it might just be I'm a sucker for some good Japanese Pop on occasion.
Voices for characters, amazing. Haley Joel Osmond does Sora's voice again, and with the help of original voices for many Disney characters, the voices fit in perfectly. Some big names include Sean Astin as Hercules, Christopher Lee as DiZ, Zach Braff does Chicken Little, David Gallagher is Riku again, and Dan Castelleneta(Homer Simpson/Everyone on the Simpsons) does his Genie, as he did in the original Aladain.
As you see, this game is rockin' the suburbs, like Quiet Riot did, and I suggest you play it

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Good Night, and Good Luck.

I just finished watching Good Night, and Good Luck. , the movie about Ed Murrow and his epic duel with Joesph McCarthy during the Red Scare. Directed and Co-Written by George Clooney, the black and white wonder is a sight to behold. The movie was put together wonderfully, using large amounts of original footage from the Senate Investigations of so called "Communists".
David Strathairn portrays Ed Murrow, radio hero for his broadcasts from London during World War II, and the co-producer of the CBS show See It Now. Strathairn's performance was amazing, and was diffenetly worthy of a Best Actor Oscar Nomination. Not only did Clooney co-write and direct the film, but he also enacted Fred Friendly, the other co-producer of See It Now. Also, making an apperence since his last hit, Dumb and Dumber, Jeff Daniels plays Sig Mickelson, the CBS News President who eventually coined the now imfamous phrase, Anchorman.
The movie was, as previously stated, put together amazingly, using a speech from Murrow after the events had happened to begin and end the movie. I throughly enjoyed the movie, as I should, considering how much I love my history.